
Granny squares, Christine Mirecki

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Patterns for bobbin lace and technical drawings for 60 squares in linen Nel 50/2, in various techniques, for rectangular mats, as well as some triangles for a diagonal assembly, with short instructions and good illustrations of the laces.

Text German, English and French, 88 pages, 30 x 21 cm, paperback.

Am laufenden Band

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Sylvia Vollmer

50 patterns, often with variations, for narrow edgings and laces in linen Nel 50/2, including corresponding corners and some round motifs. With specification of material and instructions, colour codes and black and white photos.

Text German, 30 x 21 cm, 50 pages, hardcover.

English translation by Sylvia Vollmer.

Boutons, badges, broches

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Michelle Andreu

Interesting patterns for 12 large buttons or brooches, 10 squares and 2 round motifs for bobbin laces to be fixed on material for covering buttons of 38 mm diameter, with colour photos and instructions for assembly.

Text French, leaflet / 6 pages, 30 x 21 cm

Klöppeln mit Rosshaar - Dekoriert mit Stroh

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Katrin Zschoche

The introduction contains useful instructions how to obtain or produce the necessary materials. Over 20 patterns with good colour photos for traditional bobbin laces as well as new ideas for decorations or smaller projects like flowers, stars and brooches.

Text German, 48 pages, 30 x 21 cm, paperback.

Blütengrüsse mit 2 Paaren

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Ulrike Voelcker

62 patterns based on designs of Barbara Fiedler for fancy little flowers worked with two pairs of cotton NeB 20/2 or Nm 34/2, with good colour photos and large diagrams instead of instructions.

Text German, English, Dutch, French, Spanish, 25 x 17 cm, 72 pages, paperback

Bobbin Lace - 3D wire decorations

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Marianne Geissendörfer

The introduction to the work with wire is followed by 9 projects, partly in several variations, for bobbin lace in coloured copper wire of 0,2mm. Patters for tree leaves, decorative towers and other geometric objects in interesting and clear grounds.

Text in German and English, 40 pages, 30 x 21 cm, paperback.

Phantasievolle Klöppelmuster

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Katrin Baumann / SEKV e.V. (Hrsg)

Folder with patterns and instructions on large sheets and magazine with colour photos of all kinds of projects, small music instruments, animals and insects, geometrical patterns in various techniques.

Text German, 32 x 22 cm, 12 pages and 3 large sheets.

Nina & Co, Lieve Pollet

  • Description

Wijs op weg in de Chantilly techniek

En route to Chantilly Lace techniques : 10 new and attractive patterns for black bobbin lace in cotton 140/2, medallions, bookmarks and other decorative pieces, with instructions, good photos and large colour diagrams.

 Text Dutch, French, English, German, 48 pages, 30 x 22,5 cm, paperback.

Bijoux et idées déco aux fuseaux

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Michelle Andreu

In order to realise nice projects without much experience, from the small earrings to a scarf, the more than 30 multicoloured laces and tapes are based on the square net ground to which various threads and small beads are added. Many colour photos and comprehensive instructions in French.

Text French, 32 pages, 30 x 21 cm, paperback.

Bobbin lace patterns 2020, Kirsten Skov

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18 different patterns for rings of 7cm diameter, with specifications of material, colour diagrams and photos of the lace, including a well illustrated description of the sewing technique to the metal ring.

Text Danish, English, German, 30 x 21 cm, 48 pages, paperback.

Klöppelideen für Ostern

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Emma de Ro


Patterns for bobbin lace in various techniques for Easter eggs and many flat egg shaped motifs, in addition small spring decorations, with specification of material, instructions and colour photos.

Text German, list of terms in English, French and Italian, 28,5 x 21,5 cm, 92 pages, hardcover.

Florale Herzen, Elfi Krüger

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24 decorative hearts with flower motifs in different techniques, patterns with drawings and instructions including specification of threads. Good colour photos of the delicate white laces in Egyptian cotton.


Text German, 27 x 21 cm, 64 pages, paperback.

Small Motifs in Idrija Technique

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Kleine motiefjes in Idrija-techniek


Riet Delescen


The comprehensive introduction to Idria tape lace is followed by 28 lovely small motifs for all seasons, butterflies, flowers, stars and other decorations. Good colour photos of the laces, patterns in black and white.


Text Dutch, German and English, 27 x 21 cm, 48 pages, paperback.

Geklöppelte Klöppel

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Barbara Corbet


Mats in various techniques corresponding to the country of origin. Basic knowledge is necessary, however, every lace maker will find a suitable pattern and discovers further techniques. Patterns with specification of threads, colour code and photos of the laces and typical bobbins.


Text German, 31 x 23 cm, 163 pages, hardcover.

Fiandra a tre paia, Diana Dussi

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A narrow tape of three pairs is first worked to fill of the surface which is then surrounded by a tape with some additional pairs. The historic introduction and the technical part with an exercise pattern are followed by 12 pretty patterns for various delicate bobbin laces. Patterns with instructions and attractive colour photos.


Text in Italian, German and English, 27 x 21 cm, 64 pages, paperback.

Mariage avec dentelles

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Michelle Andreu


5 patterns for a wedding: a small basket, a garter, a cushion for the rings in Torchon lace, a heart motif, a fan in Bruges flower technique. All bobbin laces in white linen 60/2 and 80/2, with instructions diagrams and colour photos.


Text French, 30x21cm, 8 pages, paperback.

Florale Sterne, Elfi Krüger

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17 pretty stars in various flowerwork techniques in different degrees of difficulty for experienced lace makers (Florence, Rosaline, Honiton, Rococo, Duchesse and Bruges Blumenwerk). Clear illustrations of the laces in fine cotton, patterns with instructions and some drawings.

Text German, 27 x 21 cm, 40 pages, paperback.

Bobbin Lace Butterflies

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Geklöppelte Schmetterlinge, Brigitte Bellon


30 pretty butterflies in various bobbin lace techniques and one edging in Torchon, well drawn patterns with specification of threads, instructions and diagrams, large illustrations in colour.


Text German and English, 27x21cm, 72 pages, hardcover.

Variationen in Blüte, Christine Mirecki

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Single flowers in variations and a large choice of mats with floral motifs, with specification of threads, technical diagrams, patterns and colour photos.


Text German, English, French, 30x21cm, 40 pages, paperback.

Kunterbunte Klöppel-Ostereier

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Annelies Kirst


Magazine with 20 flat patterns for multicoloured Easter eggs as decoration of windows and bouquets or for small gifts. Patterns and pretty illustrations in colours.


Text German, 24x17cm, 24 pages.

Bobbin Lace - to and fro, C. Burkhard

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20 patterns with variations for mats, table runners, candle holders and other decorative objects, from a small star to a large shawl. All laces to be worked to and fro with a limited number of bobbins. Large colour illustrations, patterns on separate sheets.

Text German, French and English, 17 x 24cm, 40 pages, paperback.

Abécédaire, Michelle Andreu

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Dentelle aux fuseaux, broderie et ruban de soie


Patterns for letters in bobbin lace or embroidery and silk tape decorations explained by clear photographs, examples of small gift with personal touch. Separate pattern sheet.


Text French, Magazine 30x21cm, 24 pages

Lace for ten pairs, Claire Burkhard

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37 patterns which can all be made with not more than ten pairs of bobbins, handkerchief edgings, mats, lace to wear, small motifs. All the patterns are easy to work, 31 illustrations in colour.

Text in German, French and English, 72 pages, 24x17cm, hardcover.

Klöppelspitzen mit Tieren, C. Burkhard

reduced price
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Folder on the theme "animals" in bobbin lace. Cards ready to use with stylised patterns easy to make or figurative motifs. Text German, 12 patterns, 12 illustrations motifs, 31x22cm