Carriage free delivery for orders from € 80.-- of value of the goods.
Goods are on stock and will be dispatched promptly. Should delivery not be possible within 14 days a date of delivery will be communicated.
The goods will be dispatched together with an invoice. The right of return within 10 days does not include commissioned articles, books and patterns. For returns, please use original packing and add full postage.
Discounts or other reductions cannot be accepted except for registered trader according to special tariff.
For delivery the cheapest rate will be chosen. For package and postage of on-line orders a flat rate of € 7.80 is charged, orders from € 80.-- of value of the goods are free of postage. For other deliveries the stated costs will be charged. The goods travel at the risk of the consignee. The prices including the German VAT (value added tax) are also valid for deliveries outside the European Union. The VAT of the destination country outside the European Union is generally charged separately. Deliveries to Switzerland are dispatched from our main office in Switzerland and cannot be ordered from this shop.
The goods remain in our property until full payment is made. The invoices are due on receipt. Advanced payment may be stipulated.
In case of divergence due to translation, the German version will be valid.
The Swiss law is valid. Alterations of prices, errors and incorrect data input are reserved.