
La dentelle aux fuseaux

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  • Description

Megumi Kikuchi

A charming manual for learning to make bobbin lace with a small number of bobbins. 29 narrow patterns, illustrated step by step, with nice examples of application, clear drawings and good colour photos.

Text French, 96 pages, 15 x 21 cm, paperback.

Klöppeln, Ulrike Löhr

1613 / 412196
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  • Description

Manual with 400 tricks and hints. Description of technical problems and their solution, with many illustrations and detailed drawings.

Text German, 206 pages, 20x21cm, hardback

Crossings, Ulrike Voelcker

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  • Description

With bobbin lace samples and clear diagrams 196 junctions and crossings are shown. In addition there are eight nice star shaped patterns for exercise. All photos and many drawings are in colour.

Text in German, Dutch, English, French and Spanish, 104 pages, 17 x 25 cm, wire-O covering.

Klöppeln so geht es, G. Kister-Schuler

    Delivery time:3-6 Days within Germany*
  • Description

A short introduction to basic knowledge of bobbin lace, for the roller as well as the flat cushion, with clear technical drawings and the description of the equipment for the first easy bobbin laces, in addition a few patterns for nice small projects with colour photos.


Text German, 29 pages, 21 x 15 cm, paperback.


Twilling, Ulrike Voelcker

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Creating strong effects with colours using the technique of twilling. Various possibilities to emphasize contours or fill patches with a gimp pair, explained by good drawings and colour photos. The comprehensive introduction is followed by eight exercises with patterns for multicoloured laces.


Text German and English, 46 pages, 21 x 15 cm, paperback.

Klöppelzeichnungen verstehen

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  • Description

Barbara Corbet

En extensive manual for reading diagrams and learning how to make yourself technical drawings with colour code and threads drawings, for edges and intricate crossings, for Torchon laces and fillings, Flanders and Lille laces, snowflakes and modern grounds.

Text German, 168 pages, 30,5 x 23 cm, hardcover.

Klöppeln mit Kindern

3219 *
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Alle Grundlagen – spielend leicht

Katrin Baumann, Steffi Schmat


The short introduction of the manual for children is followed by 14 patterns with colour diagrams and schemas for amusing figures and decorations. Good colour photos of all objects and step by step close-ups, with lists of materials, instructions and short nursery rhymes.


Text German, 96 pages, 21,5 x 21,5 cm, hardcover.

Mailänder im Mustermix

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  • Description

Sabine Frank-Hart


Instructions and pattern for one large motif with drawings of technical details and black and white photos, in addition 63 diagrams in colour of various Milanese tapes.


Text German, 21 pages, booklet A4 30x21cm.

Milanese Lace, Barbara Corbet

    Delivery time:3-6 Days within Germany*
  • Description

Clear and well conceived introduction to Milanese lace with good solutions for working corners and curves in decorated tapes. Patterns for some old laces and an attractive selection of new projects for mats including three original angles. Comprehensive specification threads, diagrams and illustrations in colour.


Text German and English, 240 pages, 30 x 23 cm, hardcover.

Dentelle aux fuseaux: techniques de base

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Centre d’enseignement de la dentelle au fuseau du Puy-en-Velay


85 patterns with step by step instructions for basic stitches, with 114 drawings and 85 diagrams, followed by patterns for 10 narrow braids, 10 Torchon laces and 8 grounds, illustrations in colour.


Text French, 78 pages, 30x23cm, hardcover.

Pretty Binche

3362 / 165472
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  • Description

Steffi Reinhardt, Katrin Zschoche


21 small motifs with patterns in several sizes corresponding to recommended threads, colour diagrams with short instructions and photos of each lace.


Text German and English, 21 x 15 cm, 56 pages, paperback.

Paisley im Farbenverlauf, Teil 2

    Delivery time:3-6 Days within Germany*
  • Description

Sabine Frank-Hart

Teil 2


A second large Paisley pattern in various colours and techniques (mainly Milanese tapes) with 52 diagrams and detailed instructions with drawings, for lace makers looking for a challenging project.


Text German, 16 pages, 30x21cm, paperback.

Paisley im Farbenverlauf

    Delivery time:3-6 Days within Germany*
  • Description

Sabine Frank-Hart

Teil 1


One large coloured Paisley pattern made of Milanese tapes and decorative fillings, with 52 diagrams and detailed instructions with drawings, for lace makers looking for a challenging project.


Text German, 16 pages, 30x21cm, paperback.

Spinnen Spinnen Spinnen, Hildegard Glös

    Delivery time:3-6 Days within Germany*
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Collection of 83 different spiders with 4 to 20 pairs and pattern for a sampler.


Magazine 27x21cm, 40 pages, text German.

Gründe mit System, Uta Ulrich

    Delivery time:3-6 Days within Germany*
  • Description

Collection of 448 grounds, all made in bobbin lace and photographed, with short instructions and working diagrams.

Text German, 192 pages, 27x21cm, hardcover.

Wiener Spitzen, Hartmut Lang

reduced price
    Delivery time:3-6 Days within Germany*
  • Description

Revised manual with colour diagrams and drawings, as well as good black and white photos of the 52 patterns, from the narrow lace to attractive mats.


Text German, English and French, 129 pages, 21 x 30 cm, hardcover.

Klöppel-Kurs, Ulrike Löhr

1633* / 417337
    Delivery time:3-6 Days within Germany*
  • Description

Text German, 96 pages, 21x15cm, paperback

Dieser in 17 Lektionen gegliederte Kurs will solide Grundlagen schaffen. Er ist gedacht als Kursbuch oder zum Selbststudium. In mehreren Kapiteln wird - Schritt für Schritt erklärt - jeweils eine Spitzentechnik erlernt. Mustervorlagen, Glossar, Zeichenerklärungen, nützliche Informationen und viele Fotos machen das Buch zu einer unersetzlichen Arbeitshilfe für Lehrende und Lernende.